Week 4 - Diagrammatic & Structural Line
Exercise 3a - The importance of referential line and containment devices will supplement previous lessons on negative space and proportional technique in effort to create accurate depictions from observation. Students will begin with detailed diagrammatic studies of a single object and progress to line as a descriptive element of surface and volume with structural line.

Reading Assignment: Chapter 5: Perspective
Sketch Assignment: 5 diagrammatic studies of different objects

Note: This schedule is intended as a general guide to course projects and is
subject to change. Exact dates and requirements will be issued in class.

Week 1 Drawing as a Means of Seeing
Week 2 Gestural Expression
Week 3 Shape: An Irony
Week 4 Diagrammatic & Structural Line
Weeks 5 & 6 Perspective Review and Spatial Study
Weeks 7 & 8 Value
Weeks 9 & 10 Volume
Week 11 The Portrait
Weeks 12 & 13 The Figure
Week 14 Final Project
Week 15 Expressive Exercises in Drawing