Pinnacle/Pulpit Rock
From Lehigh take Route 78 West to the Lenhartsville Exit
Make a right onto PA-143 >.4 miles Make a right onto Old Rt 22W at the stop sign > 3.1 miles
Turn right onto Fischer Ct > .1 mile
Continue on to Reservoir Road until you reach the parking area adjacent to the Hamburg water works.
There are several routes to the Pinnacle that start from the reservoir area.
Furnace Creek Road
Follow the road up from the parking area. Cross over the small bridge over furnace Creek. When the road forks, take the fork to the left. The road will eventually take you to a metal gate. The road proceeds along the north side of the reservoir. Eventually you will come to a road that has blue blazes. Follow the road up the hill. After about 1 1/2 mile of climbing you will come to a clearing (the helipad). bear to the right after you enter the clearing, you will see a white blazed trail. This is the Pinnacle Side Trail. Follow it to the Pinnacle. This route is about an 9 1/2 mile round trip.
Valley Rim Trail
Follow the road up from the paking lot. Just before the road crosses a small bridge over Furnace creek you will see a road that goes off to the right. Follow this road. After several hundred feet you will see a road the goes off to your left. Take that road, almost immediately, on your right, you will see a trail that is blazed in white. This is the beginning of the Valley Rim Trail. This trail is a slow steady climb. Near the summit you will need to scramble up some rocks to Pulpit Rock. Follow the white blazed trail from Puliit Rock to the Pinnacle. Be forewarned, there are parts of the Valley Rim Trail where you will be climbing over large rocks. This route is about an 8 1/2 mile round trip.
The Road
Follow the road up from the parking lot. Cross the small bridge over Furnace Creek. When the road forks, take the fork to the right. Follow the road up to the summit. At the summit you will see the Lehigh observatory and a cell phone tower. The trail to the Pinnacle (blazed white) can be found just to the right of the cell tower. Be sure to visit Pulpit Rock before you set off for the Pinnacle. The view is awesome. The trail from the observatory to the Pinnacle gets really rocky at times. This route is about an 7 1/2 mile round trip. It seems that this route is the one most people use. The climb up the road is very steep at times.
Notes: The Road trail is a deceivingly easy looking service road, but the ascent is a steep climb to the observatory and Pulpit Rock (about 45 minutes straight up). The AT hike to Pinnacle is a pleasant ridge trail, and approx a 1:15 to the Pinnacle overlook. Hands down the best view from the AT in Pennsylvania. The blue blazed trail can be followed back for a nice loop hike.
Link: Pinnacle (includes some goodmaps)