Note: This schedule is intended as a general guide to course projects and is
subject to change. Exact dates and requirements will be issued in class.

Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 & 3 Line
Week 4 Shape
Weeks 5 & 6 Space
Weeks 7 & 8 Introduction to Digital Media: Photoshop
Weeks 9 & 10 Introduction to Digital Media: Illustrator
Week 11 Texture
Week 12 & 13 Color
Week 14 -15 Final Project



11/1 - 11/3 - Digital Project - Digital Texture Compostion

Using a digital camera, students will spend the first class photographing a vast array of organic and synthetic textures. Images can range from minimal to complex and should explore the tactile qualities of the subject in an abstract way. During the second working period, students will integrate the texture photographs into a creative Photoshop composition. The full range of effects in Photoshop may be utilized including color and value adjustments, filters and blending modes. Emphasis will be on creating a dynamic abstract composition. No additional elements other than the original source photos may be used in the composition.
Due at start of class 11/8 Reading Assignment: Chapter 7: Color